To foster a culture of inclusion that leads to housing opportunities, equality, and equity for all in society.
Dismantle open and hidden remnants of redlining, structural and institutional racism, and people-driven biases that impact public policies and social practices that harm protected classes in housing, related-industries, intersect with community and quality of life, and advocate when government and private actors impede fair housing choice for all and create social problems.
Core Values
FHRC’s core values are reflected in our brand that is synonymous with civil and human rights, as well as educating the public and enforcing fair housing laws through:
Leadership— FHRC has the fortitude to lead the region’s protected classes, housing providers, architects, builders, contractors, developers, engineers, planners, community-based organizations, elected officials, municipal workers, and stakeholders to understand their rights and obligations under federal, state, and local fair housing and related housing laws.
Engagement— FHRC tries not to forget that knowing esoteric legal information means nothing if the organization is unable to effectively market and communicate with the public, advocate on behalf of victims, and ensure that violators are forced to implement corrective actions, which reverse unethical and/or unlawful discriminatory housing policies and practices.
Collaboration— FHRC identifies viable businesses that match our mission to work with so that consumers may benefit from additional practitioners that support civil rights and the well-being of protected classes.
Partnership- FHRC partners with private, non-profit, and government agencies to effectuate HUD’s mission and priorities by increasing sustainability, affirmatively furthering fair housing, capacity building and knowledge sharing, and using housing as a platform for improving other social conditions and outcomes.
Integrity—FHRC works on behalf of vulnerable and marginalized victims who rely on our expertise to obtain social justice and wholeness.
Fidelity— FHRC is committed to seeking social justice in housing and related social conditions that affect housing such as wealth, health, and educational achievement.
Equity- FHRC is committed to holding individuals, institutions, and systems accountable for historic and modern-day practices that thwart or prevent access to housing, financing, and insuring real estate for all. Equally, we are committed to offering real opportunities to all persons who have something valuable to contribute to the organization.
Service— FHRC assists the public through advocacy, education and outreach, referral, linkage, testing, housing counseling, and a variety of legal services that support victims of unlawful housing discrimination.